Gabriel Chemim

Graduated in Film and Audiovisual from the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Gabriel has experience in several audiovisual productions. In 2021, he completed an MBA in Digital Marketing with an emphasis on Neuromarketing, from Universidade Positivo, completing his career transition to the area. Passionate about the socio-environmental impact area, he is an enthusiast of the B Corps movement and that’s how he connected to We.Flow, being currently responsible for Digital Marketing and Communication.

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

According to a study conducted by Deloitte, 81% of organizations have already formalized some affinity group to take the inclusion and diversity agenda forward. Affirmative vacancies are increasingly common, and the trend is that justice itself will start to monitor more closely the relationship between sociodemographic profiles, positions and salaries in organizations, as has been […]

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Theory of Change

Every business that wishes to cause a positive socio-environmental impact has challenges ahead, after all, they propose to contribute to solving society’s deep, complex, and systemic problems. However, today there are several tools to help on this path. One of the most important is the Theory of Change. The Theory of Change aims to define

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Impact Assessment: an introduction for organizations

An impact assessment provides information about the impacts produced by an intervention, whether positive, negative, direct, or indirect. Properly done, it can improve and develop the effectiveness of a project. The growing interest in impact assessment has raised several questions about the process. Before getting into the subject of assessment, here is an introduction to

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