Grupo Verginia
ESG with a focus on people

The Verginia Group operates with resale and distribution of paints, tools and accessories. They are proud of the relationship of respect, trust and dedication they have built with customers and employees. The commitment is to offer the best solution for customers.
Since its foundation in 1991, Verginia was born with the proposal of customer service and focus on people. Essence and legacy that until today remain present in our daily lives.
Over the past few years, in order to continue leading, growing in the market and adding value to its customers, employees and community, Verginia has redesigned its value proposition, aiming to identify the journey, pains and opportunities that customers face.
How did we help?
When Verginia came to We.Flow, its goal was to perform an ESG maturity diagnosis and consequently a Strategy with planning and implementation of good practices. Its focus is to be competitive, efficient and a reference in ESG practices in the paint and paint products sector in Brazil, without losing its essence and ethics with the customer.
Knowing where it wanted to go as a sustainable company, the organization needed clear direction and objectives, set out in an action plan with measurable and executable improvements. Thus began our joint growth in 2021.
After conducting the diagnosis and identifying Verginia’s ESG maturity profile, an action plan was developed, followed by monthly monitoring with the internal ESG committee. One of the company’s goals is to be a certified B company. Throughout these two years of partnership, we have developed several improvements and implemented new good market practices that are aligned with the B Corporations movement and also contribute to a better performance in the B Impact Assessment.
Verginia carried out its first stakeholder management in 2022. Identifying the company’s main partners and their level of engagement, we invited representatives from each stakeholder group to participate in interviews. With the results, it was possible to define their material themes and the Materiality Matrix was created.
Based on this Matrix and the strategic analysis of the board, 4 material themes were prioritized, which are inserted in Verginia’s ESG strategy, consolidated in 2022. In addition, the ESG Strategy has the Aspirational Impact, Strategic Objectives, Key Results and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, because as a company, formed by a group of people who share the same values and commitments, it is believed that it is possible to contribute to the main development challenges faced in the world.
Main results:
- In the environmental area, Verginia won the Zero Landfill Company Seal, in 2023, and this means that the company does not send any type of waste to landfill, all are treated through blending for co-processing and recycling.
- In 2022, Verginia, understanding the urgent need to take actions in favor of the Environment, hired an environmental consultancy to carry out the Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory and started the process of monitoring its emissions.
- Looking at the social cause, Verginia has the Verginia Institute, responsible for corporate volunteering actions and socio-environmental involvement with the community. One of the main programs of the Institute is the Training for Life Project, which aims to serve children and adolescents during the school counter shift, assisting in socio-educational development. We.Flow monitors and supports the activities carried out and will carry out the Impact Assessment of the program.
- With the support of We.Flow, it carried out its first Sustainability Report, aiming to compile, tangibilize and communicate all the good practices of the company and position itself in the market as a company that cares about society and the environment.
- In 2022, Verginia won the Incredible Places to Work Award, an initiative of UOL and FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração) that recognizes companies with the best people management practices in the country, showing that all the effort that is being made with the company’s Human Resources team is bearing fruit. The pillar with the highest score was ESG.
- Formalization of the ESG Strategy with socio-environmental indicators and a monitoring plan.
- Page on the sustainability website where actions, goals, indicators, strategies related to ESG will be disclosed.
- In 2021, with the support of We.Flow, the monitoring of water and energy consumption and waste disposal began. In 2022 we defined the first reduction targets and in 2023 this monitoring is being improved and the targets updated.
- In 2022 and 2023, Verginia, with the support of We.Flow, launched the Environment Week campaign, where the value of sales of private label products was allocated to non-profit organizations focused on environmental action. We.Flow was responsible for indicating, evaluating and monitoring the beneficiary organizations.