
The first dimension of our lives from which we can actively generate positive impact in the world is our intention. An intention is generally described as something that we intend to do, like an idea, a goal or an aim that we mean to carry out. But an intention is much more than that. A true and pure intention emerges from the alignment of our body, mind and spirit. Otherwise it is just an idea, a feeling or a thought. It comes from deep inside ourselves, it’s a calling from our soul.

What lives inside our hearts is one of the most powerful forces we can count with. We nurture our intention not only from our minds, but also from our hearts and spirits. In this way, our intention becomes our compass, our internal governance. It gives us direction, guidance and strength to achieve whatever we feel and aim for. Setting an intention is the starting point of every dream. It is a creative power that develops as meaning, triggering a transformation of energy to manifest our reality. According to the Upanishads, a classic Vedic text:

You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.

So the utmost question is: are you carrying a deep intention for your life? If you do, what is it and where is it leading you? And how strong is it to keep you in a path of evolution and service to humanity? Are you cultivating your pure intention from when you wake up to when you sleep? Is it guiding you about who you want to be, what impact you wish to have in the world and what story/message you want your life to tell? If our lifepath is about creating a positive impact in the world, and a reality that is beneficial to ourselves, to others and to nature, setting and living an intention becomes even more essential. 

But how do we set, connect to or even update our true and pure intention? First of all, the intention is a path, a journey. The more you travel through it, the more it becomes clearer and integrated in your life. The intention journey is a sequence of evolutionary cycles, and on each cycle we go through 4 phases: awareness, connection, contribution and evolution

The first step is to become AWARE of how we are and what is the nature of our current intention. This means opening ourselves to unveil our “Personal Black Box”, to find out our unique and particular way of integrating body, mind and spirit, as well as perceiving, understanding and transcending our causal chain of beliefs -> emotions -> thoughts -> decisions / choices -> actions -> results.  We thus pass from an attitude of victim of our own mind to a conscious, proactive and intention-guided being. 

From all this awareness emerges a high level of inspiration. We now are aware of who we are, how we think and why we do what we do. This opens the doors to a deep connection with our essence, that is, with our superior being, which is the origin of our super-consciousness and our purest intuition. This is the CONNECTION phase. As we consciously establish that connection, we naturally allow what we came to do in this life to emerge. That is, we open ourselves to see, listen and feel our true and pure intention. Reaching that stage is simply one of the most impactful experiences a human being can have. As Mark Twain’s famous phrase announces:

The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why”.

Then we just… know. Everything becomes clearer and what is coming for us feels right and perfect. So the third step in our intention cycle is all about doing. In other words, making your purest essence and your truest purpose happen in the world, which will naturally have a positive impact on people’s lives and on the planet. The best term to describe this phase is “CONTRIBUTION”, because that is exactly what we do at this stage, as we are serving and contributing to the Greater Good and the evolution of all humanity. Here we use all our execution and induction skills, creating energetically and physically the reality that we are committed to bring into the world. At this stage we are so focused that personal and professional life are very, or even totally, intersected, and we live in an awareness of constant and indescribable flow. We are flowing together for a better world. 

And the fourth and final stage of our intention cycles is nothing more than EVOLUTION itself. As we dedicate ourselves completely to our contribution to people and the world, we live what comes after that. And it is a period of contemplation, gratitude and unconditional surrender, when we are open to all new opportunities and new “spin-offs” that arise during the journey. We also realize that we became a new person, a new “I”, and we start to become aware of a new intention that is emerging for us, thus restarting the whole cycle again. In this phase, we already reached what is called “Breakthrough”, that is, a positive and innovative turnaround or “quantum leap” in our life journey, making us naturally evolve. And then we understand it. And feel it. We feel our own Being. In our skin, in our mind, in our heart, in our soul. We have evolved to be our best in that brief period of time, and we are ready for more, for the next cycle of contributing positively and naturally to the evolution of all. 

Realizing, being aware and consciously taking this journey every day completely changed our lives. And the lives of so many incredible people that we had the honor to help, mentor, experience, work and co-create with. If this message touched your heart, we invite you to set the intention to know more about everything we do together at We.Flow, and join us on this journey of evolving and positively contributing to the world. 

Together, we will take the first step to unveil what underlies your highest intention, understand it, explore it, increase it and expand it so you can be your true self in every aspect of your life. When we are guided by our pure and supreme intention, we naturally expand it to our relationships, lifestyles and careers. We also invite you to read our other 4 articles related to this breathtaking journey of self-evolution and positive impact.

Flow with us, together, for a better world !!!

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We.Flow is an international B Corp offering consultancy, education and experiences in the areas of ESG, social impact, conscious leadership and culture. On the consulting front, customized solutions are offered to organizations from different sectors that seek to structure, expand, measure or report their socio-environmental / ESG impact actions and culture. The trainings are focused on individuals - professionals or students - who seek to develop personally as conscious leaders to be the change they want to see in the world. We.Flow has bases in Brazil (headquarters in Curitiba), Spain, United States, Poland and Portugal.

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