Márcia is extremely curious and motivated by social and environmental issues. Always guided by self-knowledge, over the years she has been shaping her academic and professional life based on what bothers her. For four years she worked in the area of academic research, with environmental and sustainability issues, in Amazonas and Mato Grosso do Sul.
She believes in the transforming power of volunteering, and with it, she worked for 5 years as a volunteer at the NGO TETO Brasil. When she attended the UMAPAZ’s Urban Socio-Environmental Agents Program, she understood the importance of Integral Education and of the Educating City for the sustainable development she sought so much. She has 10 years of experience in several organizations of the third and public sectors, such as the Secretary of Green and Environment of São Paulo and the Forestry Foundation.
For two years she was Project Coordinator at Junior Achievement, managing a project portfolio of 15 companies designing their Corporate Social Responsibility actions. She worked at Instituto Unibanco in the Strategic Planning area. Worked at INSPER in the Institutional Relations area.
Currently she is finishing her Master in Management and Public Policies (FGV-EAESP) as an exchange student at the University of Mannheim, Germany, studying ESG and the impact of Private Social Investment in Brazil. She has certifications in Social Project Management, PMD-Pro, Impact Evaluation and in Design Thinking, by ECHOS – School of Design Thinking.
📚 Academic Exchange (Mannheim University)
📚 Master in Management and Public Policy (FGV-EAESP)
📚 State, Society and Public Policies (PUC-SP)
📚 Environmental Management (SENAC)