Awarded as Empreendedora Curitibana 2021 (an award focused on female entrepreneurship), Flavia is a Brazilian focused on social impact motivated by the possibility of contributing to something greater than her own being. With more than 13 years of experience in social impact projects in public institutions, non-profit organizations, companies and universities, she has had previous international experiences in Brazil, Italy, Mauritius and the United States. She dedicates her studies and career to understanding how to achieve a triple bottom line balance (social, economic and environmental field) and put her energy at the service of the whole, taking into account fair economic development and sustainable care for nature, in which we are all inserted.
Flavia holds a Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California, where she was also Director of International Connections for the MSSE Student Association. Graduated in Public Relations (UFPR – Brazil), specialization in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business (FAE Business School – Brazil) and certifications in Strategic Management and International Marketing (University of La Verne – USA) and PMD Pro – Project Management for Development Professionals (APMG International). She was a visiting professor of the postgraduate course at FAE Business School in the discipline of Fundraising and Academic Coordinator of the first postgraduate course in Social Entrepreneurship in Brazil in the distance modality, at Instituto Legado and at FESP.
📚 Master in Social Entrepreneurship (USC, USA)
📚 Postgraduate in Social Business (FAE, Brazil)
📚 Certified in Strategic Management and International MKT (ULV, USA)
📚 Certified in Project Management (APMG International)
📚 Bachelor of Public Relations (UFPR, Brazil)